
Collection Sources

Learn how to import your files in Nuxt Content collections.

Nuxt Content provides several ways to import content files into your collection. You can configure the source by using the source property within defineCollection:

import { defineCollection, defineContentConfig } from '@nuxt/content'

export default defineContentConfig({
  collections: {
    docs: defineCollection({
      source: '**',
      type: 'page'


The source property can be defined as either a string (following a glob pattern) or an object, allowing more detailed source configuration for your target directory and files within the content folder.


  • source: '** includes all files within the content directory and its subdirectories.
  • source: '**/*.md'includes all Markdown files within the content directory and its subdirectories.
  • source: 'docs/**/*.yml' includes all YML files within the content/docs and its subdirectories.
  • source: '**/*.{json,yml}' includes JSON or YML file within the content directory and all its subdirectories.
  • source: '*.json' includes only JSON files located directly within the content directory, excluding any subdirectories.


Glob pattern of your target repository and files in the content folder.


Glob patterns to exclude content from the import.


This configuration only applied for page type with 1-to-1 relationship between content files and pages on your site.

It represents the path prefix (base URL) of the corresponding page on the website.

The prefix must start by a leading /.


Root directory for content matching.


If you want to include files from a folder outside the content directory, set the absolute path of that folder to the cwd property.

source: {
  cwd: path.resolve('packages/my-pkg/docs'),
  include: '**/*.md',


External source representing a remote git repository URL (e.g.,


Authentication token for private repositories (e.g., GitHub personal access token).